Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thursday 3rd December - Temp Run Disaster

Well it had to happen having been without injury for over 15 months. On Thursday morning after missing wednesday nights temp run with the club i had to fit in a 4 mile temp run , this would be at a speed of 5min50sec for myself. I duly set off and diligantly carried out 1 mile warm then speeded up to hit 90% Max Heart Rate...disaster struck almost straight away my left calf went tight and i reeled with pain i managed to make it back to work in a kinda run/hobble makeshift jog. Well i could hardly walk within a few hours. This pain lasted a couple of days but i am pleased to say on writing this on sunday afternoon i am pain free when walking at least. Next blog will be when i run again and hopefully within the next few days.

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